Hi, i’m Peter (19)
I live in England and at the moment I am
studying Computer Games art at university.
I became intrested in japan about 3 years ago
before that I had no real interest in anything
my county had to offer but one day a friend of mine
introduce me to Anime, j-rock/j-pop and i really liked
the language and music, so i researched japanese culture
and it fascinates me and the more i find out the more i want
to go there. So to answer the introduction question,
Why I want to learn Japanese?
I want to learn Japanese so I can move to japan and work as an English teacher.
I like the language and want to be able to go to にほん and talk to the people and involve myself in the countries traditions and culture.
I have also been intrested in teaching and after volunteeing at
a local nursery i can see myself being a teacher rather than
an computer artist, bit of a random change.
Perfect, i can teach.. In Japan!!