Hello everyone, after a long trek with paypal, I finally got to sign in and use this site. Hoorah! I’m Greek and 23 years old but would rather identify myself as a breed of Swedish-Japanese mixture mind-wise:P
I study Japanese mainly for reasons such as Music (E.g. Masashi Hamauzu, Mitsuto Suzuki, Hatsune Miku songs) and to be able to understand games and their websites(damn awesome ) . I am not an otaku but I like other aspects of the culture like their minimalism and giving attention to detail while leaving important key aspects of life out of art.
After trying many methods, I am here to see how this feels like, after many a hint from my friend John (he’s here somewhere) told me about this site and how amazing it is.
I’m glad to be here. Cheerio ol’ chaps!
Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?