Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello everyone!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  chedkid 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    はじめまして、わたし は Julia です。 よろしく おねがいします!
    Feel free to call me Murasaki, which is a nickname of mine.

    I’m a graduate student in TESOL, about halfway through, and am planning to go on to get a PhD in applied linguistics, specifically phonology, which is the study of language sounds and pronunciation.

    I’ve studied a number of languages here and there — I’m fluent in French, and have knowledge of some other languages including Japanese. Unfortunately my relationship with Japanese has been sort of on-and-off, so please help me keep it an on-and-on relationship instead!

    The Textfugu format is a great one for learning, and I hope to gather ideas from it to design my own online book to teach the Persian language, another one of my language loves.

    Looking forward to remembering forgotten Japanese and learning new!



    Welcome to TextFugu, Julia.

    You’re fluent in French? That’s fantastic.

    Good luck learning Japanese!



    Welcome! Good luck with your studies.

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