Hello there!
The first significant step I took toward learning Japanese was to learn Hiragana. I started learning Hiragana before I discovered textfugu. Once I dsicovered textfugu, I used Anki to finish up learning the rest of the kana. Shortly after I had a good grasp of Hiragana, I started using WaniKani to learn Kanji. I’ve been a member for about two months. Wanikani is also good for vocab! :)
While I have been learning Kanji, I have also been studying Katakana; I have a fairly decent grasp on it so far but I’m still not as good at it as I am with reading Hiragana.
But as I’ve been doing all the above, I’ve really lacked any grammar study. I finally joined Textfugu to get a good start on it. I will also be taking a semester length class at my community college, starting in about a month.