Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello everyone!

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    Hello guys! Well, it’s time for an introduction!

    My name is Renan and I am from Brazil. I’m kind of a selflearner, at least I was for a while, since I was a kiddo. I’m 22 now, and I’ve started learning english by myself at 10 or so (specially by playing games or watching series lol) but later on I got some tips and tricks over the internet and really got into the language.

    I’ve always been interested in the japanese language, and got a pretty cool (and free) japanese classes at my school, back in 2006~2007 or so. So there I have started learning the language. But my family had to move out to another city due to my father’s work, and I had to quit the japanese classes. Since then, I have never engaged in another class, but tried my best to continue with selflearning instead. But I failed and could not keep on by myself, and as the time went by, I have forgotten a lot of things that I had learned before.

    Even though I could learn english as a kid, I could not achieve the same goals with japanese, as we start having other duties in life, as graduating, college, work and so on, so I think that my selflearning skills have been diminished over the years.

    But still, I do remember how to read properly all hiragana and katakana that I see, as in how they sound and how to spell the words written, even though I don’t have a clue about what 99% of it means. lol

    So, some months ago I started to look into how to get into the japanese language again, this time for serious, and found textfugu! So… here I am. Just subscribed to textfugu and I am hopeful that this time, I will get back to learning japanese and someday will achieve, at least the same level of english that I could reach with self-learning.

    That’s pretty it. It’s kind of a huge introduction, but well… I guess that’s what the first chapters ask us to do, right?

    Thank you all, and if you have read until here, you are the best and I love you. LOL

    see ya!



    Hi Renan, nice to meet you! I love you too.

    Not from the desk of Eihiko. Eihiko's boss took his desk away from him.


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    *Basks in the love* That’s pretty crazy that you learned English yourself starting at 10. O.O

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:


    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:


    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:



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