Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello everyone~

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    Hello! My name is Sarah, it’s nice to meet you!

    I first became interested in Japan when I was around 4 years old. My Uncle traveled to Japan and lived there (in Osaka) for 5 years. I remember being fascinated and awed by the thought of another country! He, of course, brought home many goodies for my family and me and he would often read the manga he bought to my sister and me with his much-less-than-fluent Japanese.

    I would often bug him to read manga to me and tell me all of his “magical” stories. Before I knew it, I decided my dream was to live in Japan just like my Uncle did, and 18 years later, this is still my dream!

    I cannot wait to stick through the journey of learning their language, no matter how difficult it may become! I want to be able to fully immerse myself in Japanese culture when I travel there, and learning the language is certainly a big part of that. I’m certain this site will help me get there!



    Welcome! If you’re particularly interested in Osaka, it might also be worth learning how the Kansai dialect differs from standard Japanese. =)

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