Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello everyone!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  winterpromise31 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    My name is Deryck and I have been self-studying Japanese for a while now.

    I came across this site while searching online for learning Kanji. So far I have basic grammar and sentence structure down pretty well and know hiragana and katakana well enough that I can read japanese text nearly as fast as I do English. My largest shortcoming is my lack of vocabulary and very limited knowledge of Kanji. With one will come the other methinks…

    I have signed up for monthly and and working through the Kanji section now as well as hitting the textbook seasons for review. My only concern is that the Kanji section makes a claim that all 2000 joyo kanji can be learned in 1 year as opposed to other methods which take many years, but I only see 400 or so listed so far. Wonder if I will eventually outpace the addition of new lessons, or not? :) Hope not.

    Anywho, “How do you do?” and I look forward to the experience!





    Hey Deryck, welcome to TextFugu!



    Hi Deryck , welcome! Kanji… it depends on how fast you study, whether or not you will outpace the lessons. Between the kanji lessons here and completing RTK, I feel I have a very solid base on which to continue learning kanji and vocab.

    Good luck with your studies!

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