Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello fellow textfugu'ers

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sam 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Jordan Baja

    Hi I’m Jordan, 29 years and from Basingstoke, England.

    I’ve never travelled to Japan before, but hope to go next year with a good grasp of the language to get by and have lots of fun and interesting conversations.

    I’ve had private lessons with a tutor  for 9months last year, which were costly, and didn’t get me further than I anticipated.  I got through some of the chapters in ‘Genki’ and ‘Minna no Nihongo’ books.

    I enjoy listening to rapid Japanese Vol 1+2 from Berlitz.I can recognise hiragana characters, but I need work on katakana and work on conversation.
    I hope textfugu will get me over this plateau.

    I enjoy learning new things about Japanese culture, spirituality and history so I want to explore more out there.
    I’m taking the step to learn Japanese fluently, by travelling out to Japan to become a EFL teacher.





    Hi, and welcome! Sounds like you have some interesting plans! Good luck to you. :)

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