This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Danyo 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    So I finally decided to start learning japanese, the main reason would be that I want to go there for a ( probably long ) holiday at some point in the future, but if I want to do that, I want to be able to at least have normal conversations. That’s at least the reason that made me want to actually learn it, but I wouldn’t mind being able to play games that never get released over here either, wich will be a nice side effect.


    I’ve pretty much just started the guide, doing the pronounciations at the moment ( yes, this post is a bit delayed, since I was still trying it out for free up until that point, but decided to buy it since I liked how everything is laid out for me.)


    Currently the japanese R is giving me quite some issues, so I think i’ll spend a few more sessions on pronouncing everything, no need to rush it, right? At least I prefer to be thorough over speeding through :)


    Oh, before I forget to mention, I myself am from Belgium ( Antwerp to be exact ), so I already got a few languages under my belt ( fluent in dutch ( native ) and english, and can hold a simple conversation in french ). Though I think the french part is the reason for the R being a bit of a trouble for me.

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