Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from スコットランド :)

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    Having lurked around the free area for a little while, I happily noticed that there was a New Year’s sale and decided it was now or never. :D

    So why do I want to learn Japanese? I want to move there, simply. I adore the culture (language included) and basically the only reason I’m at university is it makes it easier to get in (it also makes me look smarter or something). I’m planning on applying to the JET Programme once I finally graduate and whilst I know Japanese isn’t a must for it, I figure it’ll give me something more on my application and, of course, will be incredibly useful if I get accepted and do actually go to the country.

    That’s basically it. :3 I guess I should also say hi!


    Oh hey, a fellow Scot, cool :D

    Good luck with your studies :)



    Hi there!

    Welcome and good luck with your studies!



    Heya, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck learning Japanese :D



    Hi! Welcome to the “light”! May the force be with you in your japanese-learning endeavor! Nice to meet you. :)

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