Greetings. I have been learning Japanese for a couple of weeks now and have hiragana and katakana both memorized. I discovered TextFugu when I was trying to figure out what I should tackle next after memorizing the easy stuff (H and K) – grammar, vocabulary, kanji, or…? The fact that TextFugu is produced by the same people behind Tofugu, my favorite Japanese-explaining site, made joining it an easy decision. I appreciate the structure provided by TextFugu as well as the extra study aids (WaniKani and the Anki decks). I find learning Japanese to be very addictive and I do it in nearly all of my free time and when I’m not tired. Kudos to everyone at Tofugu for their hard work and enthusiasm.
My motivation for learning Japanese is so I could play, understand, and enjoy obscure Japanese video games that were never released and localized for the United States, where I live. I also read manga from time to time and it would be a great bonus to be able to read Japanese manga without relying on translated American ones.
I will probably read more than I will post here. However, I have learned a few nice tips so far, like how to drag and drop decks to create bigger Anki 2 decks and to try WaniKani for optimal kanji learning. Cheers!