Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Alligator Land!

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    Hello everyone. I have been putting off this introduction a bit as I have been quite absorbed in learning. (And I’m a massive lurker) Oops!

    But hello! I’m a 26 year old graduate of art school living in South Florida! I have been ‘casually’ learning Japanese since I was around eleven, just picking up words mostly and a few little bits of grammar that can’t really help you all that much on their own. I went through ups and downs in my learning where I would try and study more and then life came around and I would end up forgetting things. I have, however, decided to get quite serious with Japanese!

    I am currently somewhere in the middle of season 2! Season 1 was pretty much stuff I already knew so I got through it without a problem.

    I like language in general though I don’t speak a second one as of yet. Japanese fascinates me particularly. Several meanings can be woven into a few words and though I can’t understand most of it I am well aware that a lot of subtleties are lost when translated.

    Ahh that sounds sort of weird, doesn’t it? It makes better sense in my head.

    That being said, It’s a pleasure to be here and I hope I learn a lot. c:



    Hey, MoonOnion! Liking languages is a thing and hardly weird at all. My Japanese mentor is a linguist, and you can even get degrees in that! I’m kidding around, of course, but it’s hardly weird at all.

    Good luck!

    This place is a wasteland :(
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