Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Brazil!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Shaka Zulu 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Pedro Terra

    Hello! My name is Pedro and I’m from Brazil!

    I’ve been studying japanese for some years now, but lately work and school kept me from studying at home so I didn’t make much progress. Time has been tough too so I can’t really take more japanese classes. So TextFugu seems great for me to continue as a self-learner. Everyone seems very high-spirited around here, so hopefully I can keep motivated and put my japanese to some use in the forums and such.

    Nice to meet you all!


    Shaka Zulu


    I’m a complete newbie from South Africa ^^

    Look forward to practicing with you at the world cup, you guys must be so excited haha



    Nice to meet you! Have you started learning kanji? What other textbooks, if any, have you used?


    Pedro Terra

    Hi! Nice to meet you too!

    Yes, I’ve learned around 600 kanji (although right now I only remember 200 properly =/) I’ve studied japanese for 6 years, but I really stopped putting much effort in it in the later years. I’ve used mainly some brazilian textbooks. Never used the most widely known ones, such as Minna no Nihongo…



    Pedro Terra

    And Shaka Zulu, sorry, I hadn’t seen your post before. Yes, we’re very excited about the World Cup! Hope you can come here and practice your japanese with both learners and natives/descendants. You wouldn’t believe how many japanese people live in Brazil. We’re very blessed because it’s not hard to find affordable japanese food =)!



    Shaka Zulu

    Yeah I have actually been to Brazil before when I was younger because my dad is a pilot.

    Beautiful country, beautiful people.

    I heard there are many people with Japanese ancestry in Sao Paolo.

    I think they are like me though Japanese blood but culturally probably 1% Japanese haha

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