Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Brazil São Bernardo do Campo!

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    I’m Renato Martellini from São Bernardo do Campo Brazil.
    I started Textfugu just right now. I was already a member from Wanikani for 2 years. My goal in learning any language is to gey any resources in its original language. I really don’t like translations, the best way to really understand anything is to read in the originkl language.
    I already liked Wanikani premise that the hard way is the better way. Right now I know a lot of kanjis but I can’T still read fast enough or understand the speaking because I don’t have sufficient notions of grammar. So know it’s time to time to take the next step.



    One of the reasons that could hold me back is lack of concentration. I have to train my concentration in order to really make all the things I want. I tend to do aT least two things at a time, like watching TV and studying. I don’t see that as a real problem, but I can’t mix things that use the same side of the brain.



    Hey, Renato! Just keep at it, and remind yourself constantly to focus!

    This place is a wasteland :(
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