Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from British Hills. :D

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    Hi there! My name is Ashley and I’m a Canadian currently living and working in Fukushima. I’m a working holiday staff member at British Hills. I’ve been meaning to learn Japanese for a loooong time, but my job literally requires me to speak nothing but English. (True story. It’s in my contract.) And the few methods I’ve tried before didn’t really help. I’m super excited to use TextFugu and I can’t wait to get going on Chapter 2. <3



    Hello and welcome to TF :) . Good luck with learning Japanese on here.



    Hi Ashley, welcome to TextFugu! I’d never heard of British Hills before, sounds like an interesting job. How’d you start working over there?

    Good luck with your studies!



    Thanks for the welcomes~ <3
    I actually heard about it from a j-drama I watched (Hana Yori Dango). It was filmed here and I did some research about the place and found it. It was just lucky that they offered a WH program~ :3



    Ashley, how cool that you were able to track down the place and get a job there! It’s a bummer that you can only speak English, though. Are you able to get some speaking practice after work?

    How long have you been working there and how long will you stay? Any plans to stay in Japan long term?

    Hope you’re having an awesome day! Good luck with your studies!

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