Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from California!

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    Hello, I am ピポ. I began to study Japanese three months ago, mostly the kana, in preparation for the three years I will spend there beginning May 2015. I am most concerned about being able to navigate the environment, make decisions at the supermarket, visit sights and if I meet someone, that’s great too ha ha!

    I’m about to start Season 2 and I really like the format and presentation here. I look forward to further study, and meeting everyone here.




    Welcome! What takes you to Japan for three years? The kana is a good start, but you’re going to need to start on kanji soon…



    Actually it’s “pippo”, but wasn’t sure if the small tsu applies to katakana the same way it does to hiragana. And I’m not yet aware if there’s an accurate Kanji representation of my name.

    I will be working, very looking forward to the experience, visiting places, etc.



    All the kana rules work exactly the same in katakana as they do in hiragana (with the exception that long vowels in katakana are usually represented with ー… also, katakana’s got some special freaky combinations, like ヴ or シェ or ファ). So, ピッポ. As for kanji, no foreign name (well, other than Chinese) has an accurate kanji representation, so don’t go there. Ever. Unless you need one for complicated legal reasons (which can happen). =)

    Anyway, working at what? English teaching? Military? Got any places you’re interested in seeing? I’ve been making a list, myself. =D

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