Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello From Connecticut

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Edward Norton 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    I guess my name is Ashley, male Ashley and I have been tring to learn Japanese for a long time now…
    1. To learn about the culture (very different from mine).
    2. Maybe to visit or live there someday.
    3. I because the general perception of the language is that it is very hard to learn.
    4. Because I like the language.

    Most of my studies involved learning hiragana (which I know) katakana (still struggle with) and a lot of Kanji from the book “Remembering the Kanji”. I reinforce what I learn from RTK with the flashcard app AnkiDroid (RTK deck). I have also went to the extreme extent of purchasing Pimsleur’s Japanese 1, 2 and 3 japanese audio lessons (expensive$$$) which I must say is very good but I am not consistent and often forget to do.
    What also does not help is the language confusion I have to deal with with one of my friends speaking spanish and english and learning Korean, and the other speaking english and Korean and learning mandarin chinese. I know more Korean than japanese because of them, :( please help me….




    Fun fact: “Ashley” was primarily a boys’ name until about the 1960s (and still is, in the UK).



    That is a fun fact thanks. Learn something new everyday.


    Good luck Ashley.

    I learnt Hiragana on Tofugu.com and that’s what brought me to Textfugu. It really worked. I’ve jumped ahead of Textfugu and learnt Katakana already from https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/learn-katakana/ It’s covered in Session 3 I think, but as it was so easy to learn Hiragana I figured, why not learn Katakana anyway. I use Real Kana app for 15 minutes a day. I wish Kanji was as easy! I hope you find the methods found here work for you.

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