Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Denmark :D

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    Hi, I’m a 16 year old boy who’s set out to learn japanese.
    In the start it was a bit half-hearted, but i am now undergoing this procedure to succeed this goal no matter what.
    The Japanese culture has always boggled me, how they can have so much history, and culture. And yet they are much more ahead of the western world than we could dream of.
    They are expanding economically, therefore learning an asian language in general will definetely give professional benefits later on.
    I am also planning on saving up for a 6-month trip to japan in a few years, and TRULY want to experience japan, and you can’t do that being a worthless piece of sh*t that doesn’t understand anything. xD (Also, how can you charm the girls if you can’t formulate yourself? :P)
    So i am hoping for the best! And wish all of you others a pleasant learning!




    ようこそ フィリブさん。
    Glædelig jul. Var TextFugumedlemskabet en julegave? Anyway, vi er glade for at have dig ombord.
    At lære japansk vil helt sikker ændre dit liv. TextFugu er en rigtig god at lære fra, Koichi (forfatteren) er rigtig god til at holde en motiveret, ihvertfald indtil omkring slutning, men der synes jeg også at man er så godt inde i det, at man ikke har ligeså meget brug for det længere.
    Btw I’m also from Denmark.



    Hey, I visited Japan before I really started learning Japanese. Not entirely sure what it is you’re trying to imply. =P

    I managed to get by with a phrasebook, a couple of words gleaned from anime, and charades. That said, actual knowledge of Japanese would probably have saved us the 10,000 yen we spent on a taxi on the first night…



    I joining Joel, I went to Japan as well with only a digital dictionary and 2 (good) guidebooks in my own language (helps!). I did not speak the language at all, and to communicate I used body language 90% of the time. It went fine, had a lot of laughs that way & now im learning for that the second time I got there I can communicate 50% of the time with my mouth ;)

    P.s. Joel, what happend? Its annoying they don’t have any street signs ey?

    Life is like a new world, you have to explore it in your own way.


    They don’t have street names either, for the most part.

    But basically we thought we’d missed the last train for the day, when it turned out we could have just caught a different train to the next station, where we could still catch the train we wanted. Turns out only a third of the Yokohama-line trains actually go to Yokohama Station. I’d heard the name of the station we were going to announced over the PA, but I couldn’t understand the rest of the message.

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