Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Fall River, MA, USA!

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    Jake Witcher

    Hey guys, my name is Jake and I’m 24 years old trying to make a splash in Japanese.  Textfugu was actually recommended to me by my wife Kelly, she’s pretty much my inspiration for this whole adventure! I thought it would be a great shared interest of ours, not to mention we both love Japanese cinema! She’s a little more serious than me; she’s a sociology major with an Asian studies minor and could graduate as soon as next year.

    My career field is nursing so one of my goals would be to be a nurse in Japan for a spell, although I’ve recently read that there might be some social and cultural barriers that go along with that. Also, you would need a very extensive grasp on technical, medical Japanese, which I’m sure is no joke. A good alternative would be to maybe teach English to prospective migrant nurses coming over to the states. Either way, I’m sure that Japanese fluency would be in high demand somewhere within that field, I would just have to find my niche.

    A secondary goal would be to take part in a homestay program in Japan.  I’m sure this could be accomplished with a more rudimentary understanding of Japanese, but I would still like to be fluent so I could have fulfilling interactions with a host family.

    Anyway, hello to everyone and I hope we can talk soon!




    Hi Jake, welcome! I think it’s great that you and your wife share a passion for Japanese. :) I hope you find your niche! Good luck with your studies!

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