Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from France

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alex 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #46370


    Hi all !

    I’m Alex, 20 y.o, officially studying computer science, and learning japanese on my free time! The first reason I study japanese is anime. The second reason I study japanses is because I’m considering going to Japan for an internship next year. Working on some crazy robot stuff seems like a lot of fun! But I’m a bit scared too about going to an unknown country, mostly because of the language barrier I guess.

    Anyway, I’m not really a Japanese beginner anymore so I don’t really know where I should start from on TextFugu (guess I’ll start at the beginning, reviews cannot hurt). I’ve also started WaniKani a few days ago, and it’s been mostly boring for the moment (mostly things I already know), but I’m sure it’s gonna get more interesting soon so I’ll keep going on!



    “Working on some crazy robot stuff” you say? Tell me. What is the most crazy robot stuff you’ve worked on?
    It sounds nice.


    Dennis Rex

    Welcome, country neighbor.
    How is this computer science? I’m trainee developer. (Programmer)

    And please keep you avatar away from my ;)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Dennis Rex.


    Calm down Dennis. I’m sure Alex’ avatar is nice and friendly, and only wanna play with your avatar.




    “Working on some crazy robot stuff” you say? Tell me. What is the most crazy robot stuff you’ve worked on?

    It sounds nice.

    Well actually I’ve only been studying general CS stuff for now (algorithmics, programming languages & semantics, information theory and so forth) so no robotics… yet! This year first semester I’ll be having a course on robot motion planning and one on artificial vision so things are going to get interesting! The internship is second semester.

    And for my avatar, yes it’s very friendly! It sometimes even talks.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Alex.
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