Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from France

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jee 9 years ago.

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    Hey everybody, thought I’d introduce myself since a lot of other people do!

    My name’s Mathieu, I’m 21 and I just LOVE languages; how they give insight on the way people think and create sentences, how they shape their very reasoning is simply fascinating to me. Aside from that anime is my guilty pleasure and Japanese culture is incredibly attractive, what can I say.

    I’m starting to learn Japanese here and nowhere else because this website really takes the cake, I fell for the witty humour and inspirational quotes hook, line and sinker.

    Hopefully learning Japanese will allow me to see more of the culture, understand it all the better and maybe travel to Japan or get a Japanese language related job!

    Wish me luck guys I’m going in hard ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ




    Fun fact: In Japanese, you don’t wish someone luck. You tell them がんばれ = work hard. =)



    That’s a great bit of trivia–thanks for sharing that, Joel!

    Ganbare, Mathieu! Hopefully you tackle Japanese and take on more languages, even!

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