Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Germany!

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    Hello everyone!

    I’m Mari, 26 years old and from Germany. I joined Textfugu today and already I break Season 1′s rule of
    “Don’t tell people you’re learning Japanese!” by posting here ;) But hey, it conflicts with the “Introduce yourself on the forums” task!


    I want to learn Japanese because I really admire the country and its culture and people. Also, I believe I do have a knack for learning languages, so wasting that gift would be really stupid. Sadly I only recently came to this realization, so Japanese will be the first language I’ll tackle.

    I already learned hiragana and katakana before starting on Textfugu, so I’ll be fast-forwarding through the first parts of Season 1, probably starting with the “Passions” bit. I’m really excited about this and I hope I can acquire a few conversational skills quickly, to use in my upcoming vacation trip to Japan :)



    Good day Mari.

    Conflicting rules being broken all over the place:) You have been here longer than me, so its a bit strange to welcome you, but welcome^^
    I am studying it because I have an interest in the language, sadly I know very little of the culture and people, but knowing the language will perhaps make that more accessible. Im from Norway, so we have similar starting points language-family wise.

    Have a good vacation, If you would like to tell, Id love to hear how it was:)



    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:


    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:


    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:



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