Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Germany

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Dennis Rex 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Dennis Rex

    Hello my Name is Dennis.
    Today I start the adventure of learning Japanese.
    I’m very interested in Japanese games and anime for years.
    I always wanted to play or see them in there native language but there was always something in the way.
    (Yes myself ;) ) But now I decided to overcome my laziness and promise to study hard!

    Until one day (my goal is one year) I will be able to talk to a native Japanese speaker without struggling.

    Sincerely your Dennis ;)

    (PS: why do I do an English course? This one looks more promising than everything else I saw)


    Dennis Rex

    Guide: Not Telling People About Your Intentions

    Damn -.-



    Same here about using an English textbook. I’m from Denmark but I found nothing in Danish that seemed like something I could actually use for something. Anyway learning in another language can only make you strengthen in the language, so I think it actually is a good thing.


    Dennis Rex

    Thank you :)

    You have a good point

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