Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Maryland

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    I have Japanese relatives and it would be nice to have a conversation with them.  That’s why I’m studying it.

    I recently retired and hope the free time I have will give me the patient and incentive in learning the language. I’ve tried in the past and always used the excuse that I’m too busy.  I hope I that I have the motivation to stay with it this time.

    It would be nice to hear of other people’s tricks or motivational techniques that got them over the edge.



    Hello and welcome to TF! Hope you have better luck this time learning Japanese.



    Howdy, skierbum. Welcome! Having relatives you’d like to talk to is a good reason to learn. :)  For motivation, maybe buy something that you’re interested in but can’t understand (yet!). Like a video game or a book or a magazine or something. Put it where you study so that you can use it to entice you.

    For me, I force myself to study every day, even if it’s only 15 minutes. It’s a 2.5 year habit. :) I’m not perfect, I don’t always want to study, but usually I sit down and then find I’m enjoying myself. I might end up studying an hour instead of just 15 minutes.

    Good luck!

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