Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello From Miami FL ( challenging third language fun from Latin America pa) …)

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    erwin gomez

    Watshi no namae wa  Eruin desu (decided to use romaji for my introduction, for quite awhile I have been writing my name with those sounds in katakana (wondering If I should capitalized Katakana, humm? or if It is rightly interpreted).

    Coronbia-jin desu 米国 帰化んです (Naturalized a U.S. citizen?)

    living in Miami

    I’m actually sort of having the visualization of being able to learn Japanese by reading in Japanese, just like I did with English (Yet must recognize it is an on going process,( feel very confident tho). *sigh

    Japanese its such a a fascinating challenge, and , and ,,, I guess millions of ‘ands’ , infinity . for now just quite of enjoying the thrill of the challenging third language …   Azuquitaa paal café…



    Oh cool another person from Miami on here.


    Also, Romaji is bad! lol


    Hope your Japanese learning goes well!

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