Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello, from Nebraska!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hey there, I’m Jake.

    I finished the first season of TextFugu and decided to buy the lifetime membership, so that I can continue using it for learning Japanese.

    I’m learning Japanese, because ultimately, I’d love to move to Japan to teach English after college. (As far as I’m aware, most places don’t want you to use Japanese, but might as well learn the native language if I’m planning on staying there for a long time, right?) And not necessarily because I want to be a teacher for the rest of my life, but I’ve found it to be a decent way to get your foot in the door to establish a life there if you so choose.

    Ultimately, my passion is music. I’ve played guitar for about nine years now, and I’d love to do something with it, even if it’s something really small like just playing in a park every once in a while. I’m not too concerned about that, it’s for my pleasure mainly, and teaching English I think is a good support.

    I want to move to Japan, because as far as I can remember, I’ve always been interested in Asian culture – more specifically, Japanese. Now, I only know what I’ve read about online, maybe the little I’ve learned in school, listening to other people’s experiences, etc. But, I’m taking that all with a grain of salt, because I haven’t experience it myself. And why do people travel anywhere? Because they haven’t been there! I need a change, and I don’t think moving somewhere else in the states would be enough of a change for me.

    I’m determined to make my own memories and experiences in Japan.

    Thanks for reading, it’s nice to be a part of this site.




    Got any place(s) in particular you were hoping to visit? =)




    Got any place(s) in particular you were hoping to visit? =)

    Thank you!

    And, you know, I’m not sure. Maybe Tokyo or Osaka? I live in a a small “big city” (big for Nebraska anyway), so I think a bigger city might do me some good personally.



    You don’t get any bigger than Tokyo. =)

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