Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from New England

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chanda Phim 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Chanda Phim

    Hi there :D! I’ve just recently taken advantage of the Textfugu New Year’s sale. How could I say no to $50 for a lifetime membership to Textfugu & EtoEto!? I have been using WaniKani for the past few months as well and just recently purchased a year’s membership there. Learning Japanese has been a hobby and interest of mine for a long time, but this year I’d like to see if I can make studying it dutifully a part of my weekly routine. I have been using WaniKani every day but not all that seriously… I mean, I do all of my reviews and learn about 5 new words a day, but sadly that’s as far as that goes! I have Genki I & Textfugu now so I plan to jump into those a chapter at a time. I can’t get by just by spoon-feeding myself Kanji after all!

    Hope to meet some cool people here :)




    I almost bought a life membership at Wanikani, myself, until I realised it was $199 – when on sale…


    Chanda Phim

    It was like $80 or something for the year with the sale + a promo code..? So two years would be less than what it would cost for a lifetime. And hopefully by then, well.. I’d have learned all the most common kanji that I really would need WK for haha.

    You sure do post here a lot, Joel! Thanks for the welcome. :)

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