Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from New York

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #48580

    Daniel Noll


    My goal for studying Japanese is to converse with my elderly Taiwanese grandma-in-law. I’m going to meet her next year, and need to learn either Taiwanese (臺語) or Japanese if I am going to speak with her (She’s over 90 so she didn’t learn Mandarin as a young girl). I feel like this is a rather concrete goal, with a pay-off to strive for.

    My secondary goal is to learn Japanese to be a better ESL teacher. I sometimes find myself with Japanese students, and I want to be able to help them better. I need to know Japanese so that I can more easily grade their vocab tests and also explain classroom expectations in their native language.

    My third goal is that I want to read children’s stories in Japanese. I love reading kids books in foreign languages, and I think that reading kids books would be great for a second language Japanese learner. This would help me improve my kanji recognition and greatly raise my overall levels of happiness.

    If you have any feedback, please share.

    Best wishes,




    Reading kids’ books is a fairly good plan, but you do know they use less kanji than adults’ books, right? =)

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