Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Newcastle, Australia!

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    I’m Bec and I live in Newcastle , Australia. I am currently employed as a Civil Drafter, but spend too much time daydreaming about what else is out there! After a holiday to Japan in 09′ I feel in love with everything about Japan (especially the food!), and have been longing to go back ever since. I am going to learn Japanese to further my career opportunites, with the ultimate goal of living, working and speaking fluently and confidently in Japanese. Also being able to read the labels on the products from the asian grocery would be fantastic hehe.

    Good luck to me, and everyone else here! :)



    Hi Bec, welcome to TextFugu. I’m not familiar with what a Civil Drafter is, what is it you do at work?

    Good luck with your studies!



    Hi Bec – welcome to the forums! It’s good to have you here. How wonderful that you’ve already been to Japan! That should fuel your study motivation. :)

    Good luck with work and with your Japanese studies!



    Hello from Sydney! Welcome to the forums, I would like to know what a civil drafter is as well (subset of architecture, or perhaps government publications?)

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Sheepy.


    Hi Guys, Thanks for the replies! Civil drafting is similar to architecture, where as a architect will draw up plans for a houses and buildings, a civil drafter draws up the plans for roads, sewer and water pipelines, small dams (like the type you see on a farm) and carparks… stuff like that :)

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