Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from North Carolina, USA

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sathure 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hello everyone!

    I’ve just finished Lesson Two of Season Two and I figured I’d come in here say hello and introduce myself.

    I’m from South Eastern Massachusetts, but I’m currently living in North Carolina and I work in Software Development. I work primarily with my companies Japanese Re-sellers, who distribute our software in Japan. While my contacts all speak and read English, there still many times I’m left reading software code commented in Japanese or Error/Exception Messages in Japanese. Which can make it slightly more difficult to debug possible software issues..

    I’ve also grown up around and have a love for Japanese media and culture. My childhood involved lots of Godzilla, Dragonball, Thundercats, Voltron, etc. My Neighbor Totoro was one of my all time favorite movies as a child. I play Japanese games. (I’ve been a huge Monster Hunter fan since the original on PS2.)

    I’ve decided to learn a second language and Japanese would more than likely be the most beneficial for me to learn. Learning Japanese has always been an aspiration for myself, but this is the first time I’m attempting to actually undertake it.

    I look forward to meeting everyone here, and to share this learning experience with you!



    ThunderCats is American. Just sayin’…

    Welcome, in any case. =D



    Hah! I honestly never even knew that. Always assumed it was a Japanese brand based on the Art Style. But then thinking back to shows like GI Joe or He-Man it wasn’t all that uncommon.

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