Hi! My name is Rebekah. I’m a 23 year old waitress who is super excited to finally start learning Japanese! This has been something I’ve wanted to do since I was a little kid. Other languages and and cultures have always fascinated me but I think Japan has always had a special place in my heart from being brought up in the Suzuki method of studying classical piano. I always thought I would end up in Japan studying the piano with the teachers who would fly to the US from Osaka to give special classes and help put on concerts. Life has led me in a different direction for now but I still have a deep desire to learn the language. I’m also pretty competitive and love a challenge, I’m pretty sure if I can learn Japanese I can do anything! =D Oh, I am also a Koine Greek student, so if anyone has any questions about that dead language feel free to ask, haha! Looking forward to learning with all of you. =)
Rebekah Fraser