Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Orlando

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    I’m taking the plunge and signing up for textfugu and wanikani life memberships. I’ve been casually studying Japanese off and on for 14 years. I went through about 1000 kanji with Anki two years ago but life changes made it hard for me to keep up with my studies and I’ve lost so much of what I learned. I’m back in a position where I can spend an hour or so a day studying again so I’m ready to give it a go!

    Here’s my introduction: why are you studying Japanese?

    I want to vacation in Japan several times in my life, and I won’t be comfortable doing it until I can handle myself in Japanese conversation. Also I would love to be able to play video games in Japanese. I used to play Final Fantasy 11 which had English and Japanese speaking people on the same server, and I really delighted in helping players communicate across the language barrier. よろしくお願いします



    Good luck with your learning! :D

    This place is a wasteland :(


    Hello fellow Orlando-ite! Well, from Ocoee, but close enough.

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