Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Pennsylvania!

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    Hello, fellow Japanese learners

    I purchased textfugu and just finished season one. I should’ve introduced myself earlier, but whatever. :P
    Anyway, I’m in highschool and hope to major in history in college. I’m particularly interested in Asian history, and have a few Japanese friends who convinced me to learn the language. So far, I’ve been enjoying it, and they’ve been helping me too. (Please don’t kill me, Kanji D:)
    Also, I’ll be studying Mandarin Chinese this year. That starts in two weeks. I think I’ll be able to not get confused with the two languages since they’re very different, but I don’t know.
    So that’s why I’m here and a bit about me! I’ll probably frequent these here parts.

    Live long and prosper.



    I wish you good luck with learning two languages at the same time that are so similar in some ways and so different in others.
    If you learn Chinese at the same time I actually think kanji will become your friend. When you read I think it’ll be easier for you to understand texts with a lot of kanji, and get find vocabulary written in kana more difficult to recognize. But perhaps this isn’t going to be a problem for you if you are going to practice speaking with your Japanese friends.



    Thank you for replying and also for the information. It makes sense that kanji would be easier considering it’s derived from Chinese characters, so it’ll probably be fine. Maybe a bit confusing in the beginning, though. Additionally, we have a lot of Chinese exchange students, so I’ll have plenty of opportunities to practice both languages, and hopefully learn both of them efficiently. I’m also using other Japanese learning sources outside of textfugu. Is that a good idea?



    I think it is a good idea to use different sources. Even though TF is great you may sometimes understand things easier if you get a different explanation. I do the same. I use guidetojapanese.org as well. I use TF as my primary learning resource so if I hit something on guidetojapanese.org I already know I just skip it.


    Dennis Rex

    Welcome, I wish you good luck and a lot of fun :)

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