Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Seattle

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Codeacula 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi guys!

    My name is Mindy and I’m in my early 30s. I started studying Japanese on a whim about four months ago, and the more I learn, the more I want to find out. My primary goal in learning Japanese is to be able to order in restaurants when my husband and I finally save up enough money to take a freighter across the Pacific and eat our way through Japan. My secondary goal is to read manga and (someday) Murakami. I have kind of an obsession with his books.

    I’ve been using WaniKani to learn kanji for a few months now, but I haven’t managed to keep up with my grammar study. Sitting down with my Genki textbook always feels a bit like pulling teeth, and I LIKE studying grammar. (Seriously, I’m a former high school English teacher, and I minored in Latin. Grammar and I are old friends.) So when Textfugu went on sale, I decided to take a chance on it. The free chapters were pretty much a re-hash of what I’d already picked up from Genki, but they weren’t boring, and that alone was worth it.

    Anyway, I’m really excited to be here and to start my grammar study anew!



    Welcome! I picked up the sale for the same reason. I need something that isn’t quite so tedious and feels more engaging. I hope your studies go very well!



    Hey, Mindy! I had never, ever thought about taking a freighter over, but now that you’ve put the bug in my head, it might be something I try when there’s no longer kids around to worry about! Good luck with your learning!

    This place is a wasteland :(
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