Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Sweden!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David Astrom 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    David Astrom

    Hello everyone!

    First things first, I guess, I’m David, 27 years old and I’m from Sweden. I’m absolutely terrible at introductions so I should at least get that part out of the way.

    Anyway, I’ve been wanting to learn Japanese for quite a while, for a whole bunch of reasons, really. A lot of my interests go hand-in-hand with the language, I mean, videogames, books etc, etc. I also like to travel, and it’s not that you have to know the language spoken in the country you’re visiting but it’s fun to combine travel and learning. Finally there’s just the fact that I actually enjoy learning a new language, it can be challenging but it’s satisfying to notice how everything begins to fall into place, or how you can suddenly make out what people are saying and so on.

    So I ended up here very recently, before I checked this site out I had already learned hiragana and katakana on my own, and I was glad to see that the site had a similar idea about it being important to learn kana before anything else.

    Now I’ve been using this site for a little while and so far it’s been great. I’m only somewhere in the middle of season 2 right now, the grammar feels a bit too slow and steady at the moment, personally, but I figure I’d best not rush it and have been instead making sure to review the vocabulary and such.

    That’s it for my introduction, then (and it got longer than I thought)! Fair warning, I’m not too good at checking forums regularly but I’ll try to poke my head in when I remember to, since I will be spending so much time on the site anyway, I mean.

    Thanks for reading, and see you around!



    Hi David. Welcome to the forums! I hope you’re able to settle into the right pace. :)
    Good luck with your studies!


    David Astrom

    Thank you, and I’m sure I’ll find the right pace. The biggest problem right now is to make sure I set aside time for my Anki reviews, but I’ve managed to keep up with them for the most part.

    Anyway, thanks again!

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