Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from Switzerland

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    Hey ! My name is Jérémie, I am from Geneva, Switzerland. It’s been 2 years that I learn japanese but I’m still very bad at it (the biggest reason for that is that I don’t do my shukudai at home) … I hope TextFugu can help me to work more, so that I can speak a bit more next time I go back to Japan (in june 2015).



    Hello! ( Und grüße aus dem momentan seeehr kalten Deutschland)
    I hope to see you around here often, It’s nice to have people here who have the same native language, I don’t know why :P


    Hello and thank you for your nice words !
    Unfortunatly I am from the french part of Switzerland. I can understand german but it’s hard for me to write it :)

    Anyway, after in 2 or 3 month I’m sure I’ll speak japanese fluently and I could start to learn german :)



    Hi, Jeremie! Good luck with your studying!

    This place is a wasteland :(


    oh, Good luck with that! German is a beautiful language but sometimes I think they stopped to care naming things properly half way. We call Toys “playthings”,planes “Flything” or tools “workthing”. Seriously, never play scrabble with Germans ;)

    I never even knew there were parts of Swizerland that only speak French. The more you know o.o
    Now I’m even more frustrated that I’ve learned Latin instead of French, the chanches of finding someone here whose fluent in Latin is probably zero. Pffff… dead languages.


    @ Codeacula : Thank you, althought I will need more than luck this time : hard work :)

    @ Umbrea : Yes, I learned german at school aber ich have alles vergessen :(
    The same goes for my years of latin : rosa, rosam, rosae is all I can remember …
    In Switzerland we have 3 languages : German, french and italian (and hopefully, one day, japanese ;)

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