Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from takero

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    New year came and with it new goals. I decided to learn japanese language. As a joke i said after 5 years i will go to Japan. Now i set is as a yearly goal. Japan with different people, with different culture than Europe apeal to me as something interesting. Maybe there i will find my place. At least i will try.

    I am bulgarian studying in Denmark. After year and a half studying danish language i gained more confidence. At the beginning i didn’t get anything and i was so frustrated, because word are not pronounced as you normally think. Also people speak really fast. Now i can speak a little bit and understand basic conversation. So japanese language won’t be so alien. I experienced in once in the past and i am stronger now. And who know maybe i will understand the games from my Nintendo that wasted me so much time in childhood.

    Good luck for everybody trying to fulfill their dreams!

    "People with real ambitions and dreams don't break easily." - Yakitate!! Japan -


    That’s the spirit! Good luck with your learning!

    This place is a wasteland :(
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