Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello from the Deep South

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Alan Durham 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Alan Durham

    Hey there, everyone!


    My name is Alan (20), and I come from the Deep South….of the United States! Yep, that’s right, you guys have a bonafide Southerner here! Anyways, I digress.

    I decided to introduce myself, well, because TextFugu told me to, and it seemed like not only a good idea, but one that might be fun. So here it is.

    I have wanted to learn Japanese since I was a little kid, probably around 10 years old or so, however, had no idea where to start. Until I reached high school, I never had a clue where I could get any sort of leeway when it came to learning. Eventually, I tried looking for classes on the internet, text books, and all sorts of things. Most were out of my price range though. Throughout the years I have found several free things, but with all that are good AND free, not all is as it seems. Everything was incomplete and you would have to pay for more lessons and things like that. What a rip off.

    Eventually, I found TextFugu, coincidentally through a JVlogger named Victor from gimmiaflakeman. He recommended checking this out and I though: “Sure, what could it hurt.” I was impressed with the sample season, and decided to jump aboard.

    If anyone is just starting their journey as well and would like a study partner/motivator, I would love to help, I sure know I would like one. Thank you for your time, and happy studying!



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