This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Silk Koshka 12 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #32864

    Silk Koshka

    I suppose I can only put this off for so long, so hello, everyone! I’m from Oregon (that state between California and Washington that no one’s ever heard of), and I’ve been interested in learning Japanese for a few years now. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any classes for it where I live, and the books I tried didn’t really ‘click’ with me.

    As for why I’ve decided on learning Japanese… beyond a couple of obvious reasons – yes, I’m interested in anime and manga, but we’ve both agreed to keep our relationship strictly professional – I also enjoy seeking out things that are novel and exciting, and while I could be completely, dumbfoundingly mistaken in this, it seems like Japanese society contributes a significant amount to the world’s stockpile of novel concepts.

    So yes, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to gain some amount of fluency in Japanese from this here TextFugu. Maybe even carry on a conversation with a three-year old, or read half of a paragraph from a newspaper or something. Honestly, I’ll be happy if I can make the language look like something besides an inscrutable jumble of moonrunes to me.

    As an unrelated side note, I also intend to learn Russian. But I’ve decided to save wrestling the Cyrillic demon bear language until after I get some grasp of Japanese under my belt.

    So yes. Again, hello everyone!

    (Oh hey, you can add topics to favorites. Neat.

    I’m Commander Silk, and this is my favorite topic on the Citadel!)



    Riveting tale, absolutely thrilling. I’m literally saving this to word, transferring it to a flash drive, and am going to take it to the safety deposit box at the bank. The armored courier car is actually in transit right now. Eventually when I have kids I’ll come and withdraw this excellent story and tell it to them. I’ll say “This, kids, is a cool story. Not like the ones your generation tell, bro.”

    But more importantly, who’s/what’s your avatar of?



    Hello and welcome to the forums. TextFugu is actually based in Portland, Oregon.

    @ crumb
    Your nuts, but in a good way :D



    Hello and welcome!



    Hello and welcome, I’m from Pennsylvania and I have been to Oregon on a road trip. Got some absolutely fantastic pix there along the coast.



    Welcome to Textfugu!


    Silk Koshka

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone.

    But more importantly, who’s/what’s your avatar of?

    It’s fan art of Hong Meiling, a character from Touhou.

    Specifically, it’s this picture: Boop.



    You seem to have linked a rather intriguing image site.

    Brb 4 hours


    Silk Koshka

    You didn’t know about it already? I figured that most everyone was already familiar with Danbooru.

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