Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello I Am…

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Dan 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Samson! I live in Tasmania, Australia and i’m 15. I am going to learn Japanese so that i can (hopefully) go there to study at some time in the future along with the obvious reasons of manga, anime, art, more Internet and history and, even though i don’t play many(none) Japanese games i would like to try them. I have not learned a new language before nor have i actively used a forum (i’ve gone into a few but never actually wanted to talk to people), so i hope to take all the usefulness out of Textfugu which, of course, includes the forums, one other reason that i want to learn Japanese is that i like learning (usually math and science and, (we can not forget)random crap(maps, population stats, news and more)). So hello and i hope i enjoy the rest of the seasons(after #1).



    Welcome to TF!

    I’m in AUS too. ^_^



    Hey Samson, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies



    Welcome Samson – hope you’re going to have fun here :)

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