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    I don’t really know anything about my connection speed at work but at home it’s pretty slow. My home computer is harder/better/faster/stronger than my work one though. But it seems to be just tofugu that is slow.



    Yeah, I’m kind of terrible when it comes to making sites that are speedy… At least it’s not in flash! :D

    But seriously, you’ve reminded me I need someone to look at making things more efficient, so thank you for that!

    Hopefully you’re not only allowed to use IE at work, either… TextFugu gets booboo on any IE browser I’ve tried, though I haven’t tested in IE9 yet :(


    IE 9 is working decently for me so far. The only ‘speed’ issue I’ve noticed is when going between pages in the lessons, or loading a lesson from the season menu. I’d bet most of that is on the back-end on how the database is handling things but I’m no DBA.



    I think the forum loads slowly. I use Opera as my browser and have a decent enough computer. I agree with kyle though that it’s most noticeable in the forums rather than the main lessons.



    @Narcoleptic – yeah, I imagine it’s all backend stuff too. I imagine what I need to do is 1) cut down on unnecessary css and 2) make the javascript way more efficient. Any javascript I touch becomes bloated and a big hack-fest because I don’t actually know what I’m doing. I imagine loading the images in the menu isn’t that good either … I should probably lower the quality on them and/or figure out how to make them load after everything else, since they’re loading before content stuff.


    The images are only going to have to load one time and will usually be cached on the user’s side afterwards… no need to mess with those just yet ;)

    All in all, I’d say it runs very smoothly on the platform you have to work with. People get annoyed over ‘speed’ but don’t remember how slow things like this used to be. A couple of seconds nowadays causes way too much QQ.



    Ooh, I did not know images get cached – that’s a good thing :D

    Yeah, I agree a few seconds should be okay… but I’m worried other people aren’t spoiled with my internet’s speed, which I think is pretty good… When I check TextFugu on internet cafe computers and such sometimes it’s surprisingly slow :(

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