Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello! I'm a Textfugu Newbie!

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    My name is David and I finally took the plunge for Textfugu. I was debating it for some time but after seeing some pictures from a friend’s trip to Japan, I decided to finally devoted myself to learning the language so I can go to japan next year. My ambition for learning Japanese doesn’t stop there though, there are still may other reason why i want to learn Japanese but a big one is visiting Japan someday. The only thing holding me back is the language barrier.

    So here I am and there are you… How do you like Textfugu? Is it working for you? I want to hear your stories.

    Thank you and look forward from hearing form you! :)



    Hey fellow newbie,

    Yeah I want to go to japan too!! But thus far on textfugu i am just trying to learn the Hiragana chart so I can move on. I am just ubber excited. Hope you enjoy the process. All the best

    Repectfully, Shardea D.


    If the language barrier is, in fact, the only thing holding you back from visiting Japan, then just go anyway. If you stick to the big cities you can get by without much more knowledge than you can get out of a decent travel book.

    It won’t always be the case so so little is holding you back. Go now while the resistance is low.



    Aye, I agree. I managed to function on just a phrasebook and a few words gleaned from anime when I went in 2010, and whatever I couldn’t get across in Japanese, charades worked fine.

    Downside: I wasn’t really able to ask anyone questions, because I couldn’t understand the answers. =P

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