Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello one and all!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Luffy 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi there gang!

    I’ve been meaning to learn Japanese for a while now. I am on a sort of gap year – a break from my studies which gives me plenty of time to pour myself into learning Japanese.

    I’d love to learn Japanese because it’s so different and alien to me living here in England. From what I’ve read about Japan and seen from videos and photographs, it sounds and looks like a beautiful place with interesting culture etc. I’ve never had the chance to actually speak to someone who has lived in Japan and would love to crawl over the forums to fill in that gap! The main aim is to one day organise and go on a trip to Japan by myself.

    This Textfugu looks like a brilliant starting place for learning Japanese. I’ve scavenged online for other websites, but it seems to be really difficult to actually START learning online. I looked All Japanese All The Time (AJATT) but found it’s immersion tactics impossible to learn from if you haven’t learnt the basics first. This looks classy and had decent reviews. Hopefully it’ll live up to expectations and that I can stand up to the challenge!

    Looks like this’ll be my biggest New Years Resolution!





    Greetings and salutations traveler!

    May your journey be a successful one.

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