Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello TextFugu

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  winterpromise31 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello my name is Mark, and I just recently started learning Japanese here on TextFugu. I live in Denmark, and I am only 17y old, which is a bit younger than most else it seems :)
    My motivation for learning Japanese, is that I want to work in Japan one day. The reason for this is that I think Japanese culture is awesome, and I want to be a part of it.
    As I just subbed, I havn’t really learned much apart from the free lessons, but now that I am subbed, then I hope to improve my Japanese at a fast rate(even though nothing can be done fast when it comes to learning a language).

    I love following Japanese Vlogs & blogs, to get more insight in the Japanese culture. I also like anime, but not mech, moe or magic and prefer to watch slice of life anime, or anime which makes you think :)

    I will be looking forward to being a forum whore here, and thanks for reading! :D



    Hey Mark! 17 doesn’t seem too young for this forum; I’d say you’re about the average age.

    Anyway, welcome to TextFugu and good luck learning Japanese!



    Welcome to TextFugu, Mark!

    I would say you’re slightly younger than most members but I’m still beating you by 2 years. :P

    Good luck learning Japanese. I enjoy watching Japanese vlogs and reading blogs about Japan as well.




    Welcome! You’ve picked a great time to learn Japanese: now. ;) Good luck!


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