Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello TextFugu

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Yuna 12 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #34380

    Well I have finally decided to join in on this after getting directed through to this site via a channel on youtube (Was looking up Te Form)


    Greetings from New Zealand :)

    I am currently studying a BA in Japanese Language as my first year so I am still kind of new to Japanese. But then again I have taken a 5 year break from learning Japanese, and some how I was crazy enough to decide to pick it up as a university course.

    I just finished today giving a presentation about my family in Japanese and realized that my grasp on the language is not that well at the moment (So hoping to find some likeminded people that are in the same situation)


    Why are you learning Japanese:-

    I want to be able to speak fluently in Japanese as I plan to go over to Japan either as a tourist or as part of the JET Programme. I am also using textfugu to help me with my japanese studies (as a alternative to some of the resources I have at the moment) [plus I need a break from reddit and other sites :P - must.study]


    Also, I plan to make use of the Teamspeak you have up and running, so if you see someone by KiwiNinja on there – its most likely me :D

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  Paige Newport. Reason: More info added :D


    Where in NZ bro? Hamilton here.

    I’m in the teamspeak heaps as well so we can nzaccent talk circles around tubatime1010.



    AUS here, welcome to TF!



    Paige – Welcome! I wish you all success with your studies. :)




    Heya Paige, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies!


    @Bbvoncrumb: My accent is a bit misleading, because I have spent time in Australia, but I currently live in Christchurch :P – But yea I will have to check out teamspeak sometime (probably wont be until uni term break – exams this week)

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  Paige Newport.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  Paige Newport.


    Welcome! :]

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