Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello too from Germany ;)

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    Hi everyone :D

    for a month now I do use TextFugu and I like it a lot. So today I did the step and got a membership :).

    A little about me – I am from Germany and the only other language I do “kind of” speak is English. However I always wanted to learn Japanese, but to find a good teacher near by or good recources for self learners were quite hard. So I kept looking for quite a while. Now that I found TextFugu, and I actually did manage to learn most of the Hiragana – the r-sound is still killing me though ;) – I am a bit optimistic for learning “some” Japanese.

    One of my main problems at the moment is to find a permanent, tidy study spot and not wandering around with my laptop ;) and also still the ugggg r-sound.

    Does someone has an idea how to learn it beside the great tips at TextFugu? My ら、る、ろ and りゃ、りゅ、りょ sound the same.

    Thank you :D



    Welcome to textfugu! If your ability with the English language is any indication as to how you will do with Japanese, you are going to do great. as for the sounds ら, る, ろ, りゃ, りゅ, and りょ, all I can say is practice. As a non native speaker, most of us will probably never get it exactly right. Just do you best, and I’m sure whoever you’re speaking to will be able to understand you. Don’t focus on this so much that you neglect other parts of your studies. Good Luck!



    Maybe try starting with (for example) りや, then gradually compress it more and more until it sounds like りゃ.



    thank you so much for your encouraging words :D and for your compliment. ありがとうごせいます。
    I go on, but it is nagging me especially while learning my vocs ;)
    and hopfully you are right regarding the understanding part :)

    that’s a very good idea. I’ll do that :D
    ありがとうごせいます。 *bow*

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