Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello World (and the people of this forum)!

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    There are multiple reasons as to why I want to learn the Japanese language. To start off, I’ve been watching anime since I was about 7; it started online, my brother showed me, and perhaps this eventually has lead me to here, talking about it (To be honest though, I didn’t start watching subs until sometime last year, and once I switched over I wasn’t going back to the dubs – by then I had already figured the subs were better and their were only a few good dubs(I still remember death note, good times)). So that’s a pretty big reason, probably around 1/4 of my reasoning for wanting to learn this language (edit: I also just thought that once my Japanese gets proficient enough, I wouldn’t mind helping sub some anime)… The next reason is manga, but to again be honest, I haven’t read much manga really, but I want to. Thus far, I have read some ‘Berserk’ online, and a few others… but I figured that I’ll read more manga when I can read it in Japanese (later down the road I suppose). The third factor would have to be video games. As a child I played Nintendo games on my gameboy sp (donkey kong country ftw), but for the most part, I only watched my other siblings play games (n64 (super mario 64), etc)… and then one day (or night, a couple to a moderate number of years ago) I found the shin megami tensei series (I think it was devil survivor – a spin off of the original game). I enjoyed it, beat it kinda, and found the original game – it was only released in Japan. There’s a English patch for it, so I got it, played a bit, and stopped – and now I want to learn partially so I can play the game without the patch…. (as well as playing other Japanese-only games) So that’s another factor…  In the beginning of starting textfugu (I’ve been using it and other resources for about a month to a month and half, thus far I have learned the first 46 hiragana characters) when I reached the part of goal setting (the ‘why I want to  learn Japanese part), I also thought that I would probably want to live in Japan at some point in my life, and visit some of the sites there (etc).  A reason why I have wanted to learn a language sometime in my lifetime is to achieve a perspective/paradigm shift this way, or something like that; It could’ve been any language, but I have a lot of reasons to learn Japanese, thus I am going to learn it (the other language I was considering was German, but I have little reason to learn that save for wanting to read a lot of German works in German, not translated English, and maybe I will sometime in the distant future).

    Whoa- this was probably pretty jumbled and a bit confusing (in how its written maybe) and maybe I left some things out, but that’s the general idea of why I’m learning Japanese.

    (P.S. I have a 3DS too…. looking forward to SMGT 4 – my FC is 2664-3304-2964 (hopefully no errors). If you wish to, add me and put you code here or something (message me if possible?))

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: Fixing obvious errors/weird structure. Puting the 'edit' in


    But welcome

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