Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello/Bonjour from Montreal!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi everyone!

    I’m Devon (pronounced Devin) and I’m in Montreal Quebec. My interest in learning Japanese first started when I was involved in a business negotiation with a Japanese company, and I wanted to learn a few bits and pieces so that I could be polite when meeting them.
    Then about a year later I travelled to Tokyo on vacation – and realllly wished that I was able to communicate. I got by without, but I know that I could have had a much richer experience if I were able to understand more of my surroundings.

    My goal in learning Japanese now is to travel back to Japan, and maybe live there for a little while – 3-6 months or so. I have two friends here in Montreal who speak the language (one native, and one who learned as an adult) so I’m keen to learn enough here in Textfugu to start practicing a bit with them. We’ll make our odd mix of English, French and Japanese work. :)

    Looking forward to getting to know you all here in the Forum -




    Welcome! What did you do in Tokyo? Take any photos? =D

    Also, how else is “Devon” pronounced? =P



    Hi Joel! Good question…I get a lot of De-vaughn. or Dee-vaughn.

    Tokyo was a lot of walking, and eating. The best by far was the day in Ueno, at the zoo and then getting lunch from a mini food-festival. Nothing like some takoyaki and a cold beer to refuel.

    Not so many pictures actually – I think I was so busy taking it all in that looking at it through a lens felt kinda wrong.

    Have you been? Planning to go?



    I went waaay back in 2010 – I’ve always been wanting to go again, but I’ve never been able to find both the time to do it and the money to afford it at the same time…

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