Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hellow everyone!! ^_^

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mike 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hello! ^-^ I am a Japanese culture fanatic. I had an obsession with anime and manga at a young age, and before long I ended up visiting Japan (my cousin lives there). Since then, certain aspects of Japanese culture have become my hobbies. I have a basic grasp of Japanese already, but I’m really looking for that advancement into being able to speak to other speakers well, and maybe even finding a job in Japan (who knows!).

    This program really amazed me. I’ve read some of the forum already and I see that it’s a great community. I hope that I can become a part of that(:

    Thanks everyone for checking out my post! ^.^

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by  Mike.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by  Mike.



    I totally just joined less than 24 hours ago myself… I think, but I hope you enjoy your stay here regardless. =p



    Thank you(:



    Made any learning progress? ^.^



    Me? Not lately. =p

    Only thing I’ve done in Japanese lately is reading manga and having some 気狂い女 rant at me. Recently blocked her though because I couldn’t stand her drama any longer.

    Honestly, I signed up more out of curiosity of what the site had than out of actual utilization of it.



    Loll. xD Are you planning on learning anytime soon? :P



    If I can motivate myself, I’ll pick it up again; I want to, I’m just going through a bit of a rough time in my life right now. I can generally read Japanese ok (read a few novels, but mostly just manga and websites/blogs now, and the occasional conversation I’ll have) and my listening isn’t terrible (certainly not good), but my output is a little lacking — so much so that I get annoyed at being called かわいい so often because of it now.

    Ultimately, I’m not satisfied with stopping here, so I’ll work on it more at some point.


    How’s your Japanese progress coming along by the way? ;D

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  気障者.


    Did you clap this so called woman’s cheekz first? nomsaiyan’

    get under dem sheetz nomsaiyan

    do the grownup




    Nah, she did write セックスしてください and showed it to me on a video chat, but we lived too far away to actually meet each other without preparing for it beforehand. There was the distance and well… some of the other stuff she said… honestly, after that, I didn’t really want to meet her that badly. ^^ Was almost a little afraid of meeting her. o:

    I honestly believe her to be insane.



    Hook a brother up with this freak in the sack


    loljakes donotwant



    I’m confused XDDD Anyway, yes I have started season one; it’s all review. I wanted to start from the beginning though, just for review and so I could take notes to cement it even further. I also love the studying pointers textfugu provides :)

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