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    Thanks for taking a moment to look at this. I’ve just started recently, and I’ve gotten to the point now where I am supposed to be using Anki, in conjunction with other tools to learn the Hiragana alphabet, and I feel like I’m missing something super basic. I simply cannot figure out how to tell Anki to only review the first 10 Hiragana (syllables?) with me. I am the kind of person who naturally has a difficult time doing memorization through flashcards and reading it over and over (Though I learn very well through conversation, so I’m sure that will balance it out, I hope, in the long run.), and as such, I will likely need to review each syllable, letter, whatever, many more times than normal to get them to stick. However, when I tell Anki that I want to review for say, 30 minutes, and that I want to do 10 cards, it just stops once I’ve done the first 10 cards. If I tell it I want to go through 150 cards, in those 30 minutes, it proceeds to go through ALL the different cards. How can I dictate to Anki specifically WHICH cards I would like to review? Also, Is there an option to randomize what order the cards will appear in? For me it just seems to go a i u e o ka ki ku ke ko over and over every time, and I feel like the pattern is counter-intuitive to my learning, as my brain knows what the next one will be, based on the prior.

    Thank you very much, I’m sure there’s some silly explanation to what I’m missing here.



    When clicking “soon” the card will show up in the session you are currently doing. If you choose “good” then it will show up by the time listed on the “good” button(this is usually 1 day). If you know the card, and choose good then it will take a day before you see it again. The next day you will review and you can once again see the card. If you know the card this time around, then if you click good it will take longer time before you see it again(4 days or so). If you choose “soon” then it will reverse back to zero progress.
    Doing it this way, Anki makes sure that you are shown the cards as often as needed, so that you will keep the vocab/kanji in your memory.
    In the beginning it dosen’t make much sence, but just wait a few days untill you have passed through all hiragana and there will be new cards to review each day.
    What you are choosing is 10 new cards. As soon as you have choosen “good” on all thoose cards your session is complete. If you want to see them again then click “soon” insted. But if you know the cards, then you really should choose “good” and just move on, since you will review it the next day anyway.
    There is no way to put it in random order, but this will only be a problem with hiragana and katakana. As soon as you have gone through it once everything will be shown random.

    I recommend that you set your leech treshold to 99, so you don’t get leech cards. Do so in deck properties -> advanced -> leech treshold

    Hope that helped.



    Mhmm… I do put the cards in random order… But I do that when I have already gone through them once in order. Just open the deck and there are three “flaps” click on New cards and where it says display order, just change it to “show new cards in random order”. Then you can do the same where it says Reviews… select “Review cards in random order”. Hope it helped :)



    Thanks, so if I understand right, I should set my threshold to 10 cards, and just click soon over and over, until Im done with those cards I guess. I’ve found that I’m able to do exactly what I was hoping with Realkana.com, however, it doesnt have the memory and such that anki has, so i was hoping to do the same with anki. Appreciate your input, mark and rioter.


    don’t worry, once you get started everything will make sence :) Once you get a few hundred cards everything starts to make more sence :) But yes do click “soon” untill you know the card good enough, and then click soon.
    If you don’t change the leech treshold, then your card will dissapear from the deck after clicking soon 16 times, so make sure to change it if you plan to do it this way :)

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